Monday, June 27, 2005

Billy Graham, more Catholic everyday

Graham-Clinton Lovefest Irks Evangelical Big
National Clergy Council president Rev. Rob Schenck walked out on Rev. Billy Graham during the second night of his Queens, New York crusade on Saturday, after Graham yielded the stage to Bill Clinton and suggested his wife Hillary should be president. "I was stunned and appalled," Rev. Schenck told the Christian Wire Service, saying that he left Flushing Meadows Park while Graham was still complimenting the Clintons. "This was a deliberate, cunning, purely political move by the Clintons to divide the Evangelical vote and assure Hillary of a victory in '08," said Schenck, a minister with the Evangelical Church Alliance and a missionary to elected officials.
Rev. Schenck said he has considered Rev. Graham his role model for over 25 years, explaining that he had traveled from Washington, DC, to New York City this weekend to witness what may be the legendary preacher's last crusade.
But after he saw the Clintons exploit the aging Graham, he couldn't bear to stay and hear him preach, he told CWS.
After the two top Democrats managed to secure onstage seating, the ex-president praised Graham for his civil rights work during the 1950's, adding "I've loved him ever since. God bless you, friend."
Rev. Graham returned the compliment, calling Mr. and Mrs. Clinton "wonderful friends" and "a great couple." He then quipped that the former president should become an evangelist and allow "his wife to run the country."

Saint Johns Army recently contacted the Billy Graham organization and found out that Billy accepts contraception. I wonder if that is the work that Bill was praising Billy for in the 1950's?

Bill and Billy


"BB Boys"


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